Thursday, October 29, 2015

A photograph I like

  In fact, I don’t have any favorite photo and I don’t want to think today. Also, it is really hard choose just one picture, because there are a lot of photos that represents important moments for me.       
  So I decided to search in internet for some ranking of the best photos of the world, and I found this one, and I really liked it. Obviously, this picture does not represent an amazing moment on history, or means a lot of things, but I found it really beautiful. I like the contrast of colors between the dark background and the colorful bubble; in general I like the esthetic of the photograph.

  This picture was taken this year by Rudi Steenbruggen, a Dutch photograph. And his picture was in a competition called Sony World Photography Awards 2015. Rudi did not won, because as I said before don’t represent a powerful moment, just is pretty and a perfect shot.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

How green am I?

I think there is not much public information about environmentally friendly practices. Sometimes, in the school they teach you about ecology. And television occasionally show advertising about protect the ecosystem and world, but there isn’t enough.

To be honest, I am not an ecologist, because I’m not really involved in the theme. I know it is so important and is the job of all of us. But, when I can, I try to collaborate with the planet, for example, sometimes I prefer walking instead of taking the subway or the bus, and I attempt to take shorter showers.

I haven’t joined any eco-organisations, because as I said before I’m not really involved in the topic. And also I don’t have much time to be really committed with the group.

In general, I think people is Santiago don’t care at all about the city. They always throw rubbish on the streets. The most common, is when people smoke and then leave the fag-end in any place, that’s a really worst habit!

People need to change their minds, and be aware, because with little things, you can change a lot. And we can make a nice and better world for the future generations. If we continue contaminating, they will not enjoy nature, such as lakes, rivers or forests. It’s time to make a change, starting with few things, like turning off the television when you are not watching it. Let's begin with these changes :D

Thursday, October 15, 2015

My future job

At this time of my career it’s to hard to say what the job that I want for life is, but based on my preferences I would like to work on printed journalism, like a magazine or maybe a newspaper, writing reports or articles. The themes I would like to cover include music, cinema, or culture in general. I wouldn’t like to work on television, maybe ‘behind the cameras’ but not as a main personality, and other thing I would never want to report, is sports, but specifically football, I don’t like it at all.

I really would like to travel in my job, actually that is one of the reasons that I choose my career, I want to discover many countries and cultures. And then write about them, like food, people, landscapes, or anything interesting about those places.

I wouldn’t like to work on an office, of course the printed journalism must be worked on a room with computer, but I want to report the news on the ‘street’ and after that, write them on an office.

I don’t know if I want to continue another career after graduated, maybe I would like to do a ‘Magister’. Icei give one about ‘Comunicación social, I would like to make it in the future, because sounds really interesting. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

El Clan

The last movie I saw at the cinema was “El Clan”, an Argentinian movie directed by Pablo Trapero. The story is based on a horrible true story that happened in the 80s. The plot is about “Puccio Clan”, a family who kidnapped and killed people. The father of the family called Arquímedes Puccio (Guillermo Francella), was the leader and he involved his son Alejandro Puccio (Peter Lanzani). The modus operandis was kidnap rich people, and then demand big sum of money for the ransom, but the victims didn't survive, because after the kidnappers received the money they were murdered.              I really enjoy this movie, achieved all my expectations. The story is so good related and the actors did a job good too.  The end of the movie was so unexpected, that blew my mind.                                 I recommend this film dear classmates. If you go to watch it, you won’t regret it. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology the notebook, because I can use it for almost everything. For example when I have to search some information, or I want to talk with someone who is away from me. When I’m bored the notebook is my best friend, because I watch a lot of videos on Youtube, movies or episodes from my favourite tv series.

I use it my notebook every day, because the career that I’m studying it’s so related with them. I use it to write informative notes, and to read news on different websites.
I remember the day when my father gave it to me, it was two years ago, on Christmas. I was very happy, because my computer was too old and I needed a new one.

If I hadn’t my notebook my life would be so sad, because like I say it before I use it for everything. I couldn’t do the works for the university, surf the internet, search information. I would be so disconnected from the world.